Ugh seriously felt the struggle of being a mom/full time student. I usually work on my homework, and study when my son takes his nap/bedtime. Well today, on the day everything is due, my one year old decides he is not going to nap, or go to bed on time. I tried while he was awake, and he just kept trying to press all the keys on the laptop. Ladies, I have never been more frustrated in my life. I want to ace this class, and with this being the first week, im not off to a good start. Now I have a late assignment, and I dont even know if the professor will accept it :(. Ugh its going to be so much harder when I go back to work full time :(

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Your welcome mama stay strong. You can do it.
11.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thanks girl, you are right. I went back to school for my son, and I need to finish for my kids. Its hard, but when we walk down that stage, and see their faces in the audience, it will be worth it. Ok I just smiled literally thinking of that. Thanks I needed that. @babynessa
11.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Just stay strong. I felt like giving up but then thought about how I'm doing it for my daughter. I was so upset I've never in my entire schooling have failed so bad on a test. But we can do it. It may be hard just keep pushing through and soon enough we'll be finished with school and have our degrees. @rachel8792
11.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Its so hard, I have no idea how I am going to do it when my daughter is here. I literally am on my last year of school with all the hard classes left, and I felt like giving up for the first time today. I just cried... idk how im going to do this. We can do it though! Us mommas need to stick together and push eachother @babynessa
11.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your not alone. I just finished the second week of my new class and I failed my first test. I'm so disappointed in myself. The class is hard and taking care of my daughter and studing for some reason is hard for this class. Now I have to ace all my other assignments just to bring my grade up.
11.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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