@emzyt we look for any sign though i think 😂 like a sign we can soon be comfortable!! my due date got changed so until the 20 week scan id have been measuring 36 weeks atm and my little girl was born at 36 weeks so you never know lol
Yea I'm having those crotch pains too. Quite often when baby moves. Maybe .. Apparently I'm measuring 2/3 weeks ahead as well. I know that doesn't mean anything though .
@emzyt omg me too! i keep getting those lightening crotch pains, constantly so un comfy and feel like if i stand up she'll fall out! wonder if we'll have early babies!
I actually feel like I could go at any time . Getting crampy and very uncomfy . Occasional tightenings. What about you ? I've still loads to organise though !