Because I don't know if I feel confident enough to post this anywhere else, I wanted to post this here.
Breastfeeding was something I always knew I wanted to do (or at least attempt). It was never portrayed to me to do otherwise until I got to be an adult and I understood that not everyone is able to breastfeed their child. When I found out I was pregnant, the idea of not being able to breastfeed made me extremely nervous. I was dead set on it but the possibility of being unable to do something I've always thought I would do made me anxious and nervous.
Throughout my pregnancy I had friends, family, doctors, nurses and strangers all tell me that it was difficult and that I would want to give up but that I shouldn't. And so I went into it with an open and determined mind.
The first day with him, I had no idea what I was doing. My hands were shaky and awkward as I tried to maneuver his head and my arms felt like wet noodles. I was so afraid of hurting him or making him choke in the process of simply trying to provide nourishment to his tiny body. But after the initial shock (and rest followed by much needed pain management), it was like a switch turned on and I had always known what to do - like an instinct.
I am so thankful that my body ended up working with me and that my son took to breastfeeding so well. Despite the hours upon hours that I spend feeding him, despite the amount of time I no longer have to be sleeping, despite the tears - I wouldn't change a single moment being his mom.
Being his mother is the best thing I have ever done. My biggest accomplishment is him.
@arlogreyson, I am so glad to hear that! When your little one gets here, remember that it's a learning process for the both of you. Don't get frustrated with your baby or yourself because you both have to get into the swing of things. Make sure you're not afraid to ask questions. If your hospital has a lactation consultant, definitely speak with them and get their advice. It also helps to have a support system! You won't be happy/successful if you are only surrounded by people who are negative about the whole process.