kelsey reed
kelsey reed
oh my I have this huge feeling that after my baby comes I'm not gonna get any sleep at all because I have this huge feeling I'm always gonna be awake holding my baby and watching him/her sleep. just to make sure my baby's gonna be OK n just to look at the super cute face the struggles of being a first time mom.
I've done it with my neice before when she was a baby I'd always sleep on the couch and her be in her bassanet or laying on my chest as soon as I heard her little hunger cry I woke up with a snap of a finger ever since she was a baby I've been a light sleeper and I'm very opened to wats going on around me when I sleep it's never changed and it's been 7 years since. 😍😉

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that's true @haileysmommy21 sorry it took me a little while to get back to ya I was at work and then just did a whole bunch of shopping. I'm getting super starved. but ya I hardly get any sleep as is right now cause I have to wake up early for work and I also have to wake up early on my days off when I just want to be able to sleep in but I always seem to wake up and take care of my step son. I'm pregnant and I just wanna eat and sleep right now lol
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Eh you can never be sure.. As soon as I brought my daughter home she only woke up 2-3 times during the night.. To feed and be changed.. And she always fell right back to sleep... My daughter has always been amazing with sleeping so I didn't lose much sleep unless she was teething or she was sick... We got lucky.. Now I'm pregnant with baby #2 and we might not be as lucky as the first time
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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