So i kinda need to vent but also kinda ask first advice. My mom has drank for years and has been in and out of jail since i was 12 . This las year she was arrested on my birthday because she was out doing something she wasn't supposed to. She ended up going to prison for 9month's . I moved in with my fiance that same night i ended up pregnant i visited my mom when i was 23weeks but she misses most of everything else and she was not there for my sons birth. She is out now and going through classes and volunteering and doing little jobs. She is doing better herself and she has been helpful with baby. But my fiance and her have a little bit of a past and my mom holds a grudge. She is disrespectful to his wishes and she thinks he is trying to control me. I think she thinks that we are going to have a relationship like my dad and her (they are divorced) the fought a lot. But we are nothing like that. She thinks she still need to "taken care of me "and she is very disrespectful to me. I love my mom she is my mom but God dam it sometimes i really don't like her. I have been biting my lip and putting on a fake smile but dam i feel like screaming puling hair and going app shit on someone. I think am just yearning for that relationship that i hold on to every little bit of it that i can. But i really just need to step away and do my own thing and let her do hers because if she can't except James Reedy in my life than she can't except me or her grand son because the are a part of my life and we are a part of his life and i want have any disrespecting my mans wishes for his son.
im so sorry 😳 but my best advice to you would be even though we love our mom sometimes its best to keep a distance from her. if she doesnt respect you & your mans wishes especially that you guys have a baby on the way? i would be pissed if my mom did that. i have issues where my family doubts my relationship and wont givr my man a chance & in my head i tell myself who are they to judge? they arent the one whose in a relationship with him but i just say do you & your little family! talking to your mom every once in awhile yes cause i do the same thing. my mom geta so nosey and tells EVERYONE my daily life and i get tired of it.. im not even as close to my mom like i was before and i only talk to her when its her day to have my son for the night (grandma and grandson nights) and thats it or she will try and help me out with preparing for my daughter but i cant always count on her because she will say she will help and at the last minute she changes her mind.. but i pray everything will get better within time ❤
Sometimes we have to put distance and boundaries between ourselves and those who we love but cannot be actively involved in our daily life. I have had somewhat of a similar past with family( my mom specifically ) and it took us 5 years to find the right type of relationship and I still don't get too close with her.. I hope you find your balance love. It hurts as I'm sure you already know but your spirit and little family will be healthier and happier when you do❤️