I'm 38 weeks Wednesday and 2 weeks ago the baby was laying transverse got consultant tomorrow to set a plan in place hoping to be induced now. but got midwife today going to see if Shell check babys position if she's moved and in right position and I ask her for a sweep do u think she will? she's a bit of a misery is my midwife but she knows I'm struggling with this pregnancy and got 4 boys at home really wanna go in to labour on my own. was induced with my last 4 2 weeks over

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ty ladies Yeah was 2 week late with my 4 boys. was hoping be different this time been a girl but nope nothing. she's a right little madam and not even born yet lol. I just don't wanna go over again I'm so miserable xxx
04.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@flick9, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow! My baby was transverse at 37+4 i went back at 38+3 and he'd turned head down on his own, but wasn't Engaged or in my pelvis! I asked my midwife for a sweep on Friday & she said no because I've Gotta wait until i go back to the hosp/consultant this Thursday to 100% make he's head down still and all ready! It sucks but it's best to make sure because if you went into labour with a transverse baby it wouldn't be very good at all!! It's worth asking your midwife incase she confident of how he's laying but mine wouldn't do It!xx
04.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
U can try but if baby isn't ready it won't work. Have your others all been late? They may want to wait another 2 weeks if so. Only time a sweep worked for me was when I was in slow labour for 2 weeks on off and I had three done from 37plus but I had pre eclampsia causing me to contract when it was spiking. Last pregnancy I had baby in unstable lie - transverse , breech and back and then head down and so they wouldn't do it as they wanted head low and practically fully engaged
04.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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