thats what i have, the velcro ones but he was moving to his side right away with it, ill try it with the arms out, idn, were having a very rough night, he doesnt want to do anything except breastfeed and be constantly @rainbow0601 @nykky779
We were told to swaddle with the arms out while sleeping and put her on her back, so that is what we have done. I think if the arms are in they can't move if they get in a bad position.
I honestly don't know WHAT causes SIDS my moms friend followed all the rules nothing in the crib no co sleep whatever and it still happened unfortunately
My daughter was in the NICU for a month they RECOMMEND swaddling back sleep is the best sleep I was also able to lay her on her tummy as long as I watched her they don't want toys or pillows or loose blankets in there things that can get in their face and cause suffocation
my son was swaddled the whole time he was in nice & when he was but in the thing they use that has rolls like on both sides of it he was on his belly so it's really whatever ur baby likes & what u want 2 do sids is crazy but there is nothing u can do to stop it if they r going to get it
I think u should leave him only with onesie and check on him he has to eat every 2-3hrs anyways.. with my first kid I used to have his crib really closed to me so it would be easier
awee pheww okay, thank u, i dont want to be up staring at him all all nigt bc im afraid, so do not swaddle at all? i will do what you said, now im just afraid he will be cold haha, i cant win...@rainbow0601,
really?? then should i just leave him in there in just a onesie? im holding him bc i dont feel comfortable leaving him in his basinet with this method @mizz_rodriguez