@ladipaw, I was 1cm for weeks before I got induced at 38w. After getting an enema and pitocin for 3 hours still no change I know that's not as long as you but they offered to continue the pitocin or do the folley bulb so I said the bulb. They told me they needed to pull on it every 30mins until it came out but once they put it in 30mins later they went to pull it and it came out completely so I went from 1 to 4cm in 30mins I was in labor for 18 hours total. Keep your head up though. 😊
@forevablessedx6, wow you went thru alot.. sorry to hear but glad everything worked out... .. I am having placenta issues.... so induction was planned.. thanks for the positive thought
yes unlucky indeed.... i had sum issues so thays y they were inducing.. but i wouldnt dialate for nothin! i was in the hosp at 31 wks. so i layed up in there for a month. After all they did to my body they ended up discharging me only to call me back the very next day due to an infection in the amniotic fluid.. smh. Thats when they did rhe csection.. Thatbwas my most difficult pregnancy.. Hope all goes well for u!
yes.. but i was only 34 weeks. so obviously my body wasnt ready for it which is y it didnt work. Thet had me on pitocin for 3 days.. i eventually had to have a csection at 35.1
I was in labor for a couple hours, then my water broke, and then we waited 7 more hours and I hadn't dilated what so ever since I arrived at the hospital. I was so scared but I promise it's okay. If you're worried about the actual c section itself, it's not bad. You won't feel anything I promise. I ended up falling asleep bc I was so drugged up lol. Just know recovery is worse but it'll be all over by then! So try not to stress too much💖
Unfortunately it sounds like you might end up having to go into a c section 😭 i had to have one after 7 hours of no change. I will pray you don't tho momma. Hopefully something happens soon