Starting to consider becoming a surrogate mom. My fiancé and I have talked about it some, but I'm seriously considering it now. I'm only concerned I'll grow too attached to the baby growing inside of me to give it away. 😂 but I really do want to help our families who can't have babies, and who can't adopt, either.

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I'm a surrogate and my family is complete, so carrying this little boy for my IPs is such a fantastic experience. You have to be 100% willing to detach from the baby, but it doesn't mean you will never get updates or see pictures and even visit with the baby :) I was also an egg donor four times and that's another, easier way you could help someone have a family ♡ As for the community "surrogate mothers" mentioned in this post, I was added to and left it 3 days later. I believe they are rude and unsupportive to both intended parents and surrogates, and when I stood up for an intended mother saying that she is just looking for honest information , I was cursed by the "admins". BUT, there are other pages that are very helpful. When I joined my agency, they added me to a support page that they admin and I feel like the other girls are my sisters ♡ Let me know if you would ever love more information! And good luck on your journey
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's called "surrogate mothers" it has like 6k members! No problem :) it'll be overwhelming af first with all the lingo but it's important to learn these things esp if you're going to end up doing it :)
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@camsmommy16, I'll have to look into it! I love that Facebook has so many support groups for moms, I never even thought to look for one on this topic! Thanks!
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I want to do this too! :) fb has a great surrocommunity to join and ask questions
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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