My baby is almost 2 weeks and it seems like all he wants to do is eat. This is normal right? My husband doesn't seem to think so, but I'm pretty sure it's normal. Someone please give some insight or help!
It can be worrisome! It makes me feel so much better knowing its normal, and I'm not the only mom experiencing this! I'm glad my post could help you too.
Totally normal ! It'll happen again, probably with every growth spurt actually. At 2 months it got rough and then now at 6 , he constantly wants to nurse. Listen to your baby and your instincts.. Not the hubby who hasn't birthed a baby lol
Breastfed babies don't overeat! so tell him to calm his tits that you got this! haha as long as baby is having plenty of wet and dirty diapers you're doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing (: