We cloth diaper. It may be pretty gross cause the poop but so easy to clean! So much money I save and hes so comfy in his diaper! No rashes and very absorbent. If you have any questions please comment.
Oh yah I forgot to mention that hemp is the trimmest and theres also bamboo too. Theres cloth diaper foundations where you only need to pay $15 to ship you a full stash. Its on a borrowed term so you can use it from birth to 3 years! I recommend pockets, all in ones and os. If you go its called givingdiapersgivinghope.com its for low income families who are in need. My lo was born almost 7lbs so after he was like a few weeks old I put him in OS and he fit fine. OS is from 7lbs to 35lbs so for us thatll be from 3weeks old to about 3 years old or so.
Heh guys I never thought someone would be interested! I honestly bought my inserts on used facebook groups like Cloth Diaper BST. I really like having the Hemp or Bamboo but Microfiber is the cheapest just cant touch skin. So youd need to use a pocket diaper or a fleece liner to put on top of it. One of my favorite places is terra-tots.com you can always call them and ask any questions about cloth diapering and they are there for support! Its incredible. I always have clothes that fit him one size up just so that it lasts longer but if the diaper is trim enough you really dont need to worry about sizing up. @mo0430 @sugaranspice @kkove23 id be happy to help with any other questions! My LO is almost 2!