I'm not sure where these ladies are getting their information from, but even if you leave a father off of a birth certificate, he can still have a DNA Test and assert his parental rights. You can't keep a man (or woman) away from their child without serious cause. In Florida 50% custody is automatically granted to each parent unless one agrees to less time. He would have to legally sign away his right to his child. Even then he can't get out of child support.
you can give your baby his last name and not put him as 'father' on birth certificate. and then he basically doesn't have any significant rights to the baby.
you don't have to put him on there initially. if things turn for the worst, you wouldn't have to worry about it. if things get better, you can always add him on there/change your daughter's last name
its not that he doesnt want to be around, its just that we have problems individually that we need to work out to try and make us work for our daughter. @mrsschmalz
If you don't feel comfortable with putting his name on there then don't. If you have to try and do the birth certificate secretly. He does not have to be on the birth certificate. I'm going through that fear with my in laws. My MIL works with CPS's partner they go through so it really only would take one phone call to shatter my world.
his family is wealthy, his grandma took his brother and sister from his mother. I just don't want to have to go through that.. especially when he would just do it to have control over me with her.
they have to find you unfit and have a perfectly good reason to even take it to court. no need in being worried. the only thing he could get is visitation.