My fiancé has not been supportive since we found out I was pregnant. He said he is scared and that he needs time to process things. It has now been weeks since we found out and yesterday I had my first sonogram done. I thought he'd be just as excited as I was seeing our little bloomie for the first time but he wasn't and I couldn't help but cry. He apologized for his behavior and said he will try to be more supportive but I just don't feel he has accepted the situation nor will he be supportive. Am I the only one going through this?! #heartbroken

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My BF hasn't seemed interested or excited my whole pregnancy. I've heard him one time ever say anything about the baby. And I'm 30 weeks. He wasn't even excited or showed much interest at our baby shower. It's his 3rd child though. But his first boy! I've talked to him about it earlier on in my pregnancy and he was like I am excited! But I'm scared too a baby is a lot of work etc etc. so I don't even say anything anymore. I'm hoping once the baby is here he'll act differently.
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
thats how my s.o was with my daughter my first pregnancy even after i came home with her he was so distant until she was bigger like 5 months he started being attached to her now they r inseparable
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you for sharing your personal stories with me and for your support. I did tell him that I will no longer tell him about my pregnancy status unless he wanted to know at which point he should ask me. I am going to give him some space and time, I am just hoping he comes around sooner than later. I really don't want to hold onto any grudges because of his behavior.
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
This is very normal for men to act this way. Remember men have feelings too they are just less likely to voice it. Give him time and be supportive he's probably just nervous. And that's completely normal. My boyfriend didn't get excited with our first till I was like 20 weeks.
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
My ex husband went through that. When I told him I was pregnant he told me to get an abortion. Then a week later he told me to keep it. Never went to doctors appointments, wasn't really interested until it was time to name her. Give him some space, maybe suggest therapy. Many men never get into it the way we do.
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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