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We had our appointment today. 🙂 Everything looks normal! Currently 13w3d but baby is measuring a week ahead! Doctor won't be changing my due date though. 🙂 Doctor was guessing that baby is a boy! 👶🏽💙🍼 But she said to hold off on buying anything yet. 😊 I am so happy that God has blessed my husband and I with a beautiful baby. 💙💙

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ah ok... Thank u.. will def be postin some soon!
22.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@forevablessedx6, For this appointment (NT scan) they did abdominal. 😊 I had two scans prior to this one. One was at 8w4d because I saw blood and freaked out. For that one they did a vaginal scan. The next one I had was 10w4d and that one was abdominal. 🙂 I think they'll probably do an abdominal for you. Good luck at your appointment!! 😀 I can't wait to see pictures!
22.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
very cute pic btw! cant wait for thurs.. :)
22.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
quick question.. i have 5 kids i should already know this.. lol.. i cant remember for the life of me with my last one 3 years ago..But did they do an abdominal us or was it vaginal? Im asking because i was in the er yesterday for some bleeding and they did a quick abdominal uultrasound to make sure baby was ok.. And he/she looked so tiny! i mean i saw the arms and legs moving around and he/she was wavin at us lol.. But i thought baby would look much bigger! im 11.5 and i have my 12 week scan this thursday so i was wonderin hmm maybe theyll do a vaginal one to get a clearer pic? And maybe baby looked so tiny because it was abdominal? idk... lol
22.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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