ok so im kind of trying to get pregnant with my boyfriend... kind of like if it happens yay and if not its ok.... but i have a questión.... i had my period on the 8th of this month and nkw toda y i have started sporting really dark Brown blood.... i have never had this happen... any ideas???

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dark blood is usually nothing to worry about. I have this occasionally and my doc said it was just old blood that got held up and is just now coming out. I was like gushing black and he wasn't too worried about. my uterine lining just took a while to shed. he said he would start worrying if I had fresh pink blood cause that would mean that something was currently bleeding. I also did find out that I had a cyst and endometriosis. with that said it could be something more serious and if your trying to conceive I would consult my doc
22.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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