Is this app only for pregnant women because that's all I see lol my baby is 7 weeks im not pregnant and don't wanna be 😂😂 . . . Where are the mommies with babies already
@mrssabby, ommmgggg three?? Girlll 😳😂😂😱I can't imagine three you are strong lol but that's awesome I'm sure they are good kids and at least they are older! Hard part is over...I think lol🤔😂😘
@andiryan93, oh hell no she's gonna have to be fired 😂😂 lol but oh well every child is a blessing you'll be fine & it's almost over so that's a relief ☺️
@bombassmuva, lol thank you girl it's tough I'm ready for him to start walking already 😂that's probably bad smh
18.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Girl it was my midwifes fault. She told me I could have the iud inserted at my 6 week pp check up so that's what I had put in. Well needless to say I got my first period after having my daughter and it fell right now. It wasn't placed properly. I didn't know t fell out and bam I was pregnant again. Lol I'm almost done with this pregnancy. Thankfully. Lol