Went to WIC today and they want me to start taking away one or two of Jax bottles at night so he'll start sleeping through the night. He's seriously not going to like that!! But apparently he should only be taking in 32 oz formula a day and 37 oz is too much and thats why they want a bottle took away. Also suppose to start him on sippy cups and i have no idea how to do that!! She wants me to start him and then start replacing a bottle with sippy cup through the day until he's only using a silly and no bottles. Any advice on going about this ladies?

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yes apple juice is so much better than medication.
16.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
She said just formula and baby food for now. He gets Apple juice but only if his bowels aren't moving. He's had a problem with pooping since birth and my doctor thought it would be better than medicines. He started that about two weeks ago but he doesn't get much or very often. @eskawho
16.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know how it feels...I stood in the sippy area forever just looking and being lost. my daughter always like the nuby ones...they have a soft top and comes apart easy for cleaning...and are spill proof. I would look at smaller ones with handles so he can grip them easier. do they want you to start giving milk? I started with water only a little and by 9 months that's all she had with meals...once she was closers to a year I gave milk with meals. I never gave juice but that's just my opinion...better for their teeth.
16.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah he turned 6 months yesterday. they want me to start him on a sippy and when he knows how to use it then slowly start switching out bottles with the sippy until he's no longer using a bottle. I figured it's going to take a couple months until it replaces a bottle but I don't even know how to go about using a sippy!! I'm a first time mom so really don't know what to do. but I don't think I'm going to take away his night bottles. I'm already on this schedule and have been for 6 months so I don't find it necessary for me to sleep through the night. this whole parent thing is still very new to us and gets super confusing!! @eskawho
16.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah we start getting them next month but we already bought a couple tubs to start him @rachel8792
16.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
your baby is 6 months? I didn't wean my daughter off a bottle until a 6 months we started a sippy with her solids which at the time was once a day but they still get all their nutrition from wasn't until she was close to 9 months the sippy started replacing her 10 to 11 months she only got a night time bottle. then at a year we stopped formula...she only wanted our food. she stopped taking a bottle in the middle of the night about 7 months but I had to up a couple ounces of her bedtime bottle because baby food was keeping her full. I would do what feels right but once baby food starts the ounces will go down.
15.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Plus once you start the baby on solids, the baby wont want as many bottles. Im sure they just started giving you checks for baby jars right?
15.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
They always will try to give you advice. Every baby grows differently. My grandma works for wic, and they have a chart they have to live by. I wouldnt take a bottle away from my baby, your baby could be going through a growth spurt. It is suggested to start transitioning the baby to a sippy cup little by little. I wouldnt make it mandatory though
15.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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