Hi ladies!! I feel like I'm never on here anymore! Olivia has 2 teeth coming in now😑😞 okay sooo I need help with a new stroller! The time has already come! Isn't that sad!!!!? The one I have now freaking sucks! It feels like the front wheels always get stuck so whenever I take it out I'm like doing a full on work out to turn it around and the get the wheels straight! It's frustrating and embarrassing!! My nana who bought it for me swears she gave me the receipt for it but I thought she had it and she didn't. It's the urbini one from wal mart $200. It was the one I've wanted since before I got pregnant😟 now there is so much crazy/ cool looking strollers we see everywhere! Baby girl is already 6 months. I need something light and easy to take out and kind off small but not to small. Just has to fit in my little car 😖😪 ugh the struggle! WHYYYY?!!!! 😩😭💖 sorry about my little rant had to do some venting! Happy hump day mamas😍