@soontobmommyof4, last week at 35w6d I was told this baby was measuring 8 lbs 11 oz lol I hope that she hasn't grown too much in a week but I find out tmoro
@soontobmommyof4, well I hope this baby decides she wants to come out sooner. I have a csection scheduled for two weeks but with how she is measuring she might be like 10 lbs by then lol or more
My first was born at 37 weeks and 2 days but via csection. I'll be 37 weeks tmoro with this one and so far it doesn't seem she wants to come anytime soon lol @soontobmommyof4
2 of my 3 were born at 37 weeks and my 3rd was born at 36.. I'm currently 32 weeks with baby #4 and Dr think it'll b around the same time with this one also :-)