Karina Logan
Karina Logan
what did you mommies pack in your hospital bags?? for you and baby? and when did you pack it?

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Well I'm waiting on my bag to be delivered but I'm packing light this time last time I packed waaay too much! I'm taking my pillow and blanket going home outfit 2 front zip gowns (breastfeeding) head wrap glasses/toothbrush/paste/deodorant/razor/eye liner/foundation/lip chap/phone/camera/chargers 2 onsies 2 pair of socks 2 sleepers swaddle blanket going home outfit carseat out the car and extra empty beach bag for the take home stuff they give and I think that's it! and I'm putting it all in 1 bag since everything will be new
14.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Of course. 😊 @karinalogan
14.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you 😊 @mylifeasamommy
14.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've already packed my sons hospital bag, I couldn't wait, and I do overpack but this is what I packed since I'm going to be there with him for 3 days give or take. 6 matching outfits, with matching hats, socks, and mittens. Some of them are long sleeve and some are short sleeve. Two swaddle blankets. Two bibs. Diapers and wipes in case I need them on the way home. Two binkis in case I want to use them. Two bottles. Two burp cloths. His car seat will already be in the car with the base. His stroller that connects with the car seat so I'm not lugging everything around. And I'm bringing his baby book in case I have the energy to write while I'm there. For myself, I'm going to bring a suitcase. With a robe, four towels, travel shampoo/conditioner/toothbrush/toothpaste/deodorant/razor/mouthwash/hairbrush/hair ties/makeup just in case/my contacts/my glasses/lotion/body wash/hair dryer because hospitals are cold and with my first born I was shaking because I didn't have a hair dryer to use after I showered. Slippers or sandals. Pajamas/sweats/yoga pants/t-shirts/tank tops/cardigans/a jacket/sports bras/comfy bras/older underwear/socks/depends, their easier then the big pads they give you and they protect you more/breast pads/phone charger/camera/extension cord because you're not going to want to keep getting up to grab your phone off the charger/wallet with your id, social security, insurance, cash for vending machines/snacks like granola bars, gummies, chips. Anddd if there isn't enough room in your suitcase then fold up a tote bag and smoosh it in their in case you get extra supplies at the hospital so you can carry it. 😊
14.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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