cherish sherlock
cherish sherlock
so i was thinking how all my friends are giving birth and already starting mother hood and im just behind with mine as mine is due next year but one thing always sticks in my mind and thats how when i said to my friend congratulations and at the time i wasn't pregnant and i said to her id love to be mum and things and she said to me i wouldn't be able to do it because i like drinking and going out to much like what person says that so then i liked having fun and me and my partner were still new but now im pregnant and ive never been happier with someone and with how this little one will change my life and i cant wait for that but ever since that ive always worried and i keep thinking im going to be bad at everything 😔 thanks just needed a rant really

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Don't worry about what anyone says to you your going to be fine 😊 xx @cherishxox
13.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you it just got me worried thinking about what they had said thank you xx @rach0402
13.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
You are not going to be bad at it at all. Everyone has their pre life before becoming pregnant. I got pregnant with my first and found out just after my 21st birthday and before that I was out every other weekend with my friends and why not cause I had no responsibilities as such. Of course being pregnant is going to stop you going drinking and does change you but I wouldn't have it any other way now and when I go out I enjoy it so much more. Don't get me wrong deffo looking forward to going our after I've had my second when I'm ready. Don't doubt yourself about what your going to be like as mum you will be great and adapt to mummy hood 😊 xx @cherishxox
13.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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