samantha jordan
samantha jordan
ladies i need postive stories on induction! second day in hospital with the shoe lace thingy in! waiting to have it out but so far no good ! feeling low i need to feel motivated

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Hi Hun good luck! I was induced at 38+ 1 as my waters had been leaking. I had the tablet that dissolved first, on the Monday dinnertime, had a bit of cramps and blood gooey stuff. They ended up leaving me till the Tuesday at 11 I asked for paracetamol then they examined me I was 2cm! Then broke my waters went straight to 4cm. I was then screaming on gas and air, constant pain not gonna lie, then moved me to my own room and offered me morphine however I said I needed a poo so they examined me again I was 10cm this was 20 mins later! 1 hour of pushing. And he was here! All on gas and air. I had a nasty tear though since he came out so fast. Don't worry Hun won't be long ☺️☺️☺️ xx
12.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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