My labor story....
i was scheduled for induction on june 11 at 5am so i checked in and they took me to my room i changed in to my gown and they checked my cervix i was 3cm 70% effaced and -2 staged so they start me on pitocin at 6:30am by 10:30am they checked me again and said that they will break my water because i haven't progress so they did by 11am i started having contractions by 12pm they got stronger and harder to tolerate but i kept holding up by 1pm i asked to be checked again to see if im progressing and know how much longer i have to hold on they came at 1:17pm and told me i was 4 to 5cm i was soo upset i thought it was gonna take another 3 hours but i stayed strong and hold on pain meds i really didnt want an epidural im sooo scare of needles lol but thank God after 3 strong contractions i felt the urge to push i told my husband im pushing call the nurse she didnt believe us it was 1:40pm and she checked me and said i was in 5cm not even 20 min ago so she came in with a doctor to see if the baby was crowning and it was doctors and nurses came running and preparing everything for my baby i pushed for less than 15min and my baby girl was born couldn't feel more relief and happy ..well thats my birth story pitocin its no fun but i couldn't ask for a faster labor 😄