I don't want to bash my fiancé. But I constantly talk to my mom about him. I really have no desire to talk to my friends about him given our crazy past and I just feel like it it's never gunna be the same. He acts so happy and inlove with me which I know he is but I think I kinda resent him. When we found out I was pregnant I had a BREAK. DOWN. I was absolutely devastated. Now I love my son with all my heart and so happy he is in my life! But I think I resent my fiancé for getting me pregnant because he still acts like he doesn't have a kid. Doesn't come home til 10pm or later when Orion and I are already asleep because I have to be up 2-3 hours before I leave to take him to daycare. It's just ughhh I do the cleaning and cooking and take care of this boy every second I'm not at work. My fiancé is home but after the boy is already asleep and then my fiancé is asleep when I get up to get my son ready to leave. And he's impossible to wake up so I hardly ever get any help. I hair don't know how to stop resenting him or make things better and stop being so angry. But he just doesn't give me the help and support I need.

Лучший комментарий


yeah girl I understand that completely!
10.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I take responsibility for getting pregnant it had just been 5 years that we had been dating and we got preg then? But Yeah I still work a 40-45 hour work week and as soon as I get off I get him. My fiancé thinks since I have him he doesn't haaaave to be there. But it's like don't you want to be there??? @sandycheeks
10.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
well it takes 2 to get pregnant lol. so its partially your choice too that you got pregnant love. but I know how you feel. I do everything as in taking care of my 2. but even tho I want help sometimes I can't really be mad because I stay home. he works.
10.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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