mt sister in law has yet to potty train her 2 and a half year old. It's so frustrating, I am the oldest of 5 kids and never have I ever changed a 2 and a half year old's diaper. I feel like she's holding him back, he's not even talking yet either.
@showersoverflowers, there is a big lack of one on one time with him too. when he's with me I talk to him and try to get him to talk with me but it's almost pointless because they aren't going to spend the time teaching him. She and her Husband have a total of 4 kids.
hmm dang that's frustrating. if he doesn't start coming up with independent thoughts and telling you things relatively soon, I'd definitely reach out. if there's something bigger going on, its better to catch it young
@graciesmama, he shits like a grown ass man and it's horrible. every child in my family was potty trained by 14 months or earlier. literally every single kid.
my sister in law waited until her little guy was three. it took two days to potty train and it was done. to each their own. the language delay is a bit concerning though. like he's not talking at all? or just a limited vocabulary?
yeah my sil won't try to potty train my nephew either. he'll be 3 in august. its annoying and stressful when I'm babysitting changing his diaper. and you can tell he's ready cause I literally only change his diaper twice a day cause that's all that's needed.