THIS IS A QUESTION FOR BREASTFEEDING MOMS ! anyone else have the problem of your baby wanting to be on your breast all the time and if hes not he crys and fusses 24/7.?????and i dont feel full anymore and its worrying me .
as long as he's producing a normal amount of dirty diapers, I wouldn't worry. it's totally normal. breastfeeding is more than food, it's your warmth and comfort that they look for as well.
i do both sides and he latches with our nipple gaurd. its that lately he wants to be on them 24/7 and if hes not all he does is cry and fuss. @mommastone
It could be a growth spurt. They usually go through one every couple of weeks for the first couple of months or so, and clusterfeeding is pretty common during them. You could always try pumping if You have a pump if you're concerned you may not be getting enough.
Yeah how old? My son did this for the first few days and a LC taught me how to get him to latch properly and hold positions. He then nursed on that side. They do tend to prefer one side over the other until they are better with their latch.