@somanykids, I can't imagine oral sex doing anything to a sperm count but I know having him wear boxers is better because it keeps the testicles cooler which keeps the sperms good.. and after he cums in you lay with a pillow or something under you so the sperm will have an easier time getting to the egg. 10-15 mins should be long enough. And also having a lot of sex 1-3 days before ovulation is good cuz sometimes it takes the sperm a little while to get there.
thanks! I'm going to try that! and I know it's personal but does anybody know if giving a man oral sex can increase or decrease the sperm count??? I'm trying to cover all my bases!!!!! been actively trying for 3 months☺
I usually laid with my hips elevated for 10 minutes that way all the little swimmers can go in the right direction. we got pregnant either because we had sex 5 days before ovulation or the day of. we had a girl so I belive it was the 5 days before. 8 days later I got my positive.