Wow! You're superwoman! Well thank you so much for the positive vibes. Everyone's just so negative telling me the painful cramps are coming 😒 bloop take your negativity elsewhere @skyy12221
@zoeybug16 😊 you got this! Get plenty of rest since you're not feeling anything. I mostly slept to get energy for pushing when the time came and pushing was so easy I paid attention to my body and contractions I did feel (they felt like when you tighten your stomach to show someone your abs but your body did it for you haha) period cramps hurt worse than my contractions in my opinion. The doctors didn't have to tell me to push or anything I did like 5 pushes in under 10 mins he was out 4 for the head 1 for the shoulders and he came out I didn't tear or anything. I wasn't exhausted after either I did sleep but I still had a lot of energy left.
That's how my labor was with my first! I got induced too and the nurses would rush in my room asking if I "felt that" and I'd look at them crazy and say no haha they did it about 3 times and told me most women would be begging for an epi by now. Stay calm mama I'm pretty sure you'll go though with no pain like I did.