Many may know many may not.. When I was around 3 months pregnant with my babygirl she was diagnosed with HLHS(hypo plastic left heart syndrome) also heterotaxy.. Felt as if my life had just ended worried sick about her ... She was born on 5/18/16 at 6p6oz.. Rushed away as soon as I birth her.. Little of no oxygen in one side of her heart..breathing tube feeding tube Ivs lines in her stomach color changing of skin etc. On Friday she had her 1st procedure done to help create oxygen&blood; into her left side of her heart she is doing awesome!& today we will be carrying her home! Through all of this I have cried my eyes dry I have prayed like never before but I have also kept my faith that I will be able to love on my babygirl w/o all the wires etc... No today our journey doesn't end here .. But I'm so thankful for what I am given ... So to anyone who is going through something just keep the faith & God will see you through🙌🏾💕😘 #Ms.Kelani
My daughter had Hypoplastic Right Heart syndrome, she survived all 4 hrart surgeries. and Many more procedures and surgeries. Sadly we lost her a year after her last surgery at the age of 5 all because of a doctor's careless mistake. Just always remember that MOMMY knows more that the doctor ever does. Always listen to your gut and fight for your baby. You are her voice! Sorry had to tell you that. :(
@kj415mommy, My daughter was also born with a congenital heart defect and had open heart surgery at 5 months old to correct it. She's now 9 months and besides the scar you'd never know she had anything wrong with her. Heart babies are tough as nails, it's harder on mom and dad than them I think! Good luck to you and your daughter, she'll be just fine, drs are amazing these days!