Hey Everyone, so I don't normally wear makeup but I really want to start, I guess my question is how do you find the right shade of foundation, and what is your favorite brand of foundation?
I feel Mac is overrated plus I don't wear foundation like that anyway so I went to Walmart & bought the foundation by Queen Latifah..& I looked up girls on YouTube who were about my complexion to see what color they got..worked out fine for me.
Honestly i did a trial and error I use one you can buy at Walmart. But Sephora is a wonderful place but a bit pricy. They will help you find your shade and give a free "make over" to help you find a look that works for you too
The only reason I didn't use mac was because they test everything on animals...or at least they used to..plus you can find drugstore stuff thats the same quality and cheaper
i agree mac ...you can go to a mac store and they will tell you exact shade ... and it should last you atleast close to a year. nothing wrong with investing on yourself love
Wal-Mart is just as good or target. but i use True Match and you always open the bottle at the store lol and apply some to the top of your hand and if it blends in well then it's your shade or very well close (i try to go just alil bit darker than my actual shade but not a lot) you dont want to look weird if your face is darker than the rest of your body lol
Okay thank you ladies, I really just need to find a good brand that isn't too cakey but does a good job of covering everything since this pregnancy is making me break out :/
I'm strictly MAC but if you go to the mall or department stores the makeup people (for lack of better words lol) will help you find your shade. @kmharrmama3