Keep getting this pain under my ribs on the right side and in the middle near my sternum.
Doc had me get an ultrasound to see if it was my gallbladder, thankfully it's not but now he says my liver is enlarged and it looks like something might be wrong with it. To top it off, I think the pain is from tomatoes as weird as that sounds everytime I eat anything with red sauce or tomatoes it starts..or at least that's what I think. I've tried pepto thinking it was an ulcer but I still get the pain either way, sometimes I don't even have to eat anything for it to happen. Any ideas??

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only thing I know for a fact that I'm allergic to is penicillin, and if I have any of that that's a hospital stay lol hives and all
03.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Allergies? idk
03.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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