Question to all the moms in a long relationship. A week ago i took a break from my SO. He accused me of cheating bc its a lock on some of my apps. He's always accused me of it only to be wrong every single time and treated me poorly. What would you do if this happened to you?? 😟
I'd be out if my husband gave me an std so i applaud you for that. but @krprincipe is right, he's probably still cheating. 9 times out of 10 the one acting the way he is is the one who's doing it
He cheated and gave me an std when i was 4 months pregnant. But since then he feels like I'm going to cheat. haven't completely forgiven him for that though @krprincipe
From a previous relationship, Sadly if he's accusing you then he's most likely doing something he's not supposed to be doing. Whenever my ex and I would get in a fight, he'd call me a slut or accuse me of cheating and he was the whole time.