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Anyone else have this much stuff for the hospital? 2 bags 1 diaper bag 1 bag with breast pump and stuff and a huge lunch box for food and snacks for my husband. we are also bring one pillow and blanket. What do you think :p Kindda wish I had just one huge bag to pout it all in.

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Okay that's one less bag that my husband or I will have to carry in!!! :) Thankyou!!!
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
you don't need the breast pump but everything else is necessary...
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Okay thankyou! I will ask when i call tomorrow before I go in just incase!! :)
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
the hospital usually lend you there breast pump while your there you should call and ask that ..and you won't need diapers and wipes they give you all that there ..
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
and of course the car seat is al set and ready in the car along with extra diapers that will just stay in the car
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
What all do I need? This is what I have.. Breast pump with breast pads and it has all the stuff for it in it.. Diaper bag has on side diapers wipes one bottle with the inserts just in case breast feeding doesn't work her coming home outfit and a blanket and 3 swaddling blankets socks and mittens/ hat then I have a bag with my husband's 2 outfits his body wash and deoderent and one pair of pjs w/ boxers and 2 pairs of socks. Then my bag with 4 night gowns and one coming home outfit and socks and 10 pairs of underwear then I have thick pads and a couple thin pads my contact case solution hair stuff such as shampoo/ cond brush then body wash and nipple cream just in case and 2 tooth brush and tooth paste for husband and I. Then I have snack Doritos cookies peanut butter crackers lunchables and monster for my husband then I have suckers and sliced oranges and water just in case. Oh and tomorrow I'm putting in our chargers and the laptop when we're going to leave to the hospital to get induced
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've got a small duffel a diaper bag, a travel bassinet and I still need snacks for my bf lol I'm going straight to family house after leaving the hospital so I need a bit more.
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
to each their own but you will see that you don't need that much stuff..
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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