aww amazing I really hope you get a positive... I have nothing really bit more tired than usual but just home from celebrating my 30th with a girls holiday so nackered lol... 10 days till im due af really hoping it doesn't come I might have a sneaky test b4 lol xx
@judy86, I've woken up with brown when I wipe, hoping its implantation bleeding and not af coming 7 days early!! My boobs are tingly but that's about it. I will be testing on Tuesday, if the spotting stops.
How about you, when will you be testing? Any symptoms? X
@judy86, sorry for your loss, I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for both of us! My due date for my first mc is next Tuesday (7th) so really hoping for some good news next week to make it a little easier X
same I've 12 to go this will be my 2nd period if it comes since we had mc... really hoping it doesn't come and we get 2 pink lines... fingers crossed for you 2 xx