Csection mommas-
When were you able to comfortably walk?
I feel so useless and if I go an hour without pain meds I'm hurting so bad.
Monday will be a week since my c section.
Waking normally was about a week, but 3 days PP I was up and walking around the hospital. My nurses were really good at forcing me to get up as soon as I was able to start the recovery process
@ajochim15, yessss. Scooting off the bed while trying to only use my legs is hard. But I learned real quick not to use my stomach muscles it hurts so bad. Once I'm laying down even halfway I'm terrified to get back up. I have my boyfriend pull me up.
It took me about a week and a half to get back to walking normally.. My problem was more getting up than walking. I was scared to use my stomach muscles because I thought it would hurt lol