So we had the biggest scare of our lives last night! I was feeding Aubriella a bottle she started to choke so I brought her to my chest to burp and to help clear her throat out..She spit up so much it came out of her nose she was choking on it turned bright red and was struggling to breath!!! Everytime she tried to breath in it kept choking her!!I screamed at my boyfriend to call 911 while I was trying to suck what I could out of her nose with the bulb! I heard the sirens that's when He opened the front door and it felt like they took forever as soon as I saw the red and blue lights I just grabbed her up and ran out the front door and towards the first paramedic I saw! we went to the back of the ambulance!! She slowly started to clear up as they were checking her lungs and heart rate but we rode to the ER to get checked out! Her oxygen was 100% and she sounded clear so we went home the doctor said I did the right thing and showed me 2 other ways to hold her!!! Please everyone brush up on your baby/child even adult CPR!!! I was petrified she was gonna die in my arms!!! Scariest thing to ever happen to any parent!!
7.9 лет

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Hey, we have to do whatever it takes! I'm glad they got there fast

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Hey, we have to do whatever it takes! I'm glad they got there fast

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@arivera64, it was very hard to stay calm I was a balling mess but I kept her on my lap constantly sucking out what I could I ran out of my house with snot all over my face covered in formula a tank top, no bra..shorts falling off my ass and and socks! I probably looked like a crazy person running at him but my only thought was just get her to them!

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I'm glad she's ok. That is a scary situation. My kids have nearly choked a few times but I'm glad i am trained in cpr and basic life support for adults and infants. It's hard to stay calm even though i know what I'm doing. I have to let the medical professional in me overcome the mother in me.

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