What to Expect During a Sweep? Pain or Discomfort?
Ladies, I have a sweep booked for tomorrow! I'm so nervous and not really sure what to expect! Is it more about being uncomfortable or does it actually hurt?!😭😭😭
@abbylouise95, @emmaclark @becca2916 @leigh-amyxo @nico7 @rowansmommy2016 @winterbaby95 @zoeleigh thanks everyone! I had my sweep this morning!☺️ it didn't hurt, it was just uncomfortable, but the key was relaxation!☺️🙊xxxx
@zoeleigh, thank you! I'll try keep as calm as possible, that seems to be everyones top tip!😂☺️ I've never had one before, so just a bit nervous! I'm sure I'll be fine!☺️xxxx
I really don't understand how anyone can say a sweep is more painful than labour 😂 I understand everyone's pain tolerances are different but come on ladies, a sweep of the cervix compared to contractions?! Claire, you will be fine. It's uncomfortable but sweeps aren't meant to cause pain. Relaxation is the key. xx
mine hurt because I couldn't relax, well I believe that's why! it's hard to say but just relax and you'll be fine lol. it's probably a bit too different but I found that if I relaxed during the examinations in labour it didn't hurt, a consultant had his hand right in there to feel baby's head lol🙈😂 try not to worry xx
@nico7 Yeah hun! Contractions were just an intense pressure! I also had a back to back labour 😂😂 but my god...I cried like a baby during thr stretch and sweep 😂😂 xx
@winterbaby95, awh, I hope it works for me, cause I'm fed up of waiting for my baby now!😂 she's taking forever! @leigh-amyxo thank you, I'll try not to!😂☺️xxx
Yeah, I've had an internal with one of those spectrums, but it wasn't too bad, I don't know whether it's going to be like that or if it's going to be a hell of a lot worse than that!😂 @becca2916 thanks girls!🙊 I'm absolutely dreading it!😭@nico7 @winterbaby95 xxxx
Mine hurt so much 😰 it did work though I lost my plug about 12 hours later. I was induced though, had the pessary for 24 hours and then they did a sweep 6 hours after that and then 12 hours after the sweep I lost my plug. Hopefully it works for you just keep as calm as possible and don't tense as it hurts more 🙈 xx