3 weeks ago i went in to labor and delivery because i was spotting and it got me crazy nervous... long story short they put the heart monitor on me, took a urine sample, checked cervix, and baby is A-ok, and proceeded to go home... 3 weeks later i get a hospital bill for $1700 WTF?!?! How do you justify??? I mean no IV was put in, I didn't even get seen by a doctor (just an RN), no ultrasound, was out in what seemed less than 30min and you charge $1700, for listening to my baby's heart beat?!?! Granted I will only pay $300 after insurance and what not but regardless, to know that they priced that service at $1700 is EXCESSIVE!!! i requested and itemized invoice because it still makes me wonder how the hell do you justify that?!?! and then they wonder why people default on medical bills... #endofrant