I get BH every now and then .. Doc said its normal your body is just preparing its self for the real thing . If your laying down turn to your left side so far that's what works for me . @kiaraayub19
if you have a pain try changing positions or drinking water. thats what helped me a lot. I was terrified I wasn't going to be able to tell when I was having real contractions but you definitely can tell the difference!
I never really got bh or at least I couldn't feel them lol and my boobs didn't start leaking or anything until after he was born! but some women do leak before nothing is wrong with it. but for the bh pains I got told it could be the random back pains or the cramps that feel like you're on your period. I only had a couple throughout my pregnancy
@kiaraayub19, yeah leaking happens before birth to. An bh to me it was like stomach cramp that makes your muscles tighten up. Some people are different an don't feel them. I've only had maybe 3 bh.