Right after giving birth to my daughter, I didn't look at my stomach. a week after giving birth in my bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw that the strech marks has completely took over (worse than this). Looking at my stomach was the trigger that started my depression. I never had strech marks on my stomach, and all i could think was, "How would any man want me when I'm covered in these dark red marks all of my stomach?" Weight and body imagine was a big importance to me growing up. I never could get skinny, I never really tried until last year where I was the skinnest I ever been. Through pregnancy I didn't get strech marks until the last week. I sat in the shower balling my eyes out ashamed of what my body looks like. Crying because I truly thoughtI have lost my beautfy. I didnt feel beautiful anymore. After getting out of the shower I look at my daughter who was sound asleep in her bouncer. Her face restless and beautiful. The feeling I had before vanished. I felt love, because looking at her I realized that I earned those marks. I carried around my beautiful daughter for nine months. I went through the pain of labor and recover, the stress and the depression.
I look at my stomach now and smile. Without these marks I wouldn't have my beautiful Adi. Without these marks I would still be blind. I would still be worried about body imagine, about what others would think if they saw them. Would they call me ugly? fat? disgusting? But the question now running through my mind is Who cares? I love my body the way it is now. I love the way I look. My self confidence is slowly coning back. ❤