So my last af was April 17th to the 21st. No period this month. According to Glow I was supposed to have a period from 5/9-5/13 and then supposedly I'm due for a period starting the 31st of this month. Not sure if I've ovulated. But I have been feeling really under the weather. Stuffy nose, weird appetite (I make food when I'm hungry eat 3-4 bites then I'm done because I feel sick repeat every 1-2 hrs)but constantly feel nausea/ hungry, and I'm constantly tired. I was tracking my BBT but never seem to take it at the same time every day. I know ow better than to get my hopes up but idk maybe these are signs idk. With my son (who is now almost 3) when I found out I was pregnant with him I just assumed I had the flu because I had flu like symptoms. Also, my husband and I kinda stopped focusing so much on ttc because it has been straining our marriage (he says it's to business like) idk. Maybe I'm just getting sick. Sorry for the pointless post