Emma 💜
Emma 💜
omg girls im so stressed finally moved my oldest to her own room and its been the two most stressful nights ever !! being 38 weeks pregnant i barely have patience and she literally crys like crazy every night i feel like just giving up and putting her back in my room any advice ??

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@emlopez91, I do dinner, play time while i clean up, bath time, story time, then bed time... Ill lie with him a little bit, usually the baby is in on the routine too. We started last summer so now its pretty routine, he knows when bedtime is coming. The hardest was (he's 3) he has no concept of time so he'd get up at 3am and think it was time to get up and play , he started this after Emma came... I bought him a clock light thats a sun and a moon... You can set a timer on it, when the sun comes on he knows its time to get up... It works...
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes im tryin it out last night took about 2 hours to put her in bed with tears and all i pray tonight will be a bit smoother @stefaniamarie
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@emlopez91, stick to it! Have a good routine every night and eventually she'll get used to it... If you give in and put her back in your room ,she'll know you will eventually give in next time! I went through it with mine, its tough,.especially when my daughter came and was sleeping in our room, i felt bad like my 3 year old thought he was being replaced... but actually I told him he's a big boy and a big brother now and he's gotta help and protect his sister. That helped
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
ugh that's hard. have you tried to lay with her?
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
she's 7 years old @tiffrae i always had a one bedroom so she would sleep alone but in the same space now we finally have a two bedroom and i been really strict with her in her room i got her a night light tv all that and she still screams and cries like crazy to avoid sleeping in her bed its beyond stressful and at this point of my pregnancy i just wanna cry with her because its overwhelming
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
how old is she? I just got my 5 year old son our of my bed. He would never sleep in his so I tried to make it seem like he was in my bed but in his room. Two major things that he likes while sleeping is a fan on and tv.
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
let her cry she will eventually go to sleep she doing it bc she know its gone get to u N u gone come get her
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Stay strong!
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I saw on the news today it's okay to let kids cry they go to sleep faster & sleep longer .. But don't give in & put her in your room either
25.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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