baby swings!! essential or not!? i think they are pretty important if baby likes them but my other half isnt intrested! want your guys ideas on this one 😊
I'm hoping my little one is good with the bouncer because we have the loved so much set from mother care and I love it, my friends little girl loved the bouncer when she was little so hope mine the same haha xxx
@briony1994, we got the same bouncer it plays music and vibrates a friend gave it to us :) we have money saved up for baby to get him something when he is here @suzie31 i was think that alot of ladies i know say that about there bubs! i think we will wait and see how he is he might be good with just the bouncer!xxxx
I couldn't afford a swinging one either but if I knew what I know now I'd definitely purchase one. My boy will no fall asleep unless he's moving lol xx