My oldest daughter was 2 weeks late, 7lbs 13oz

My son was 2 weeks early 8lbs 6oz

And my youngest daughter was 3 weeks early 9lbs 6oz

No forms of diabetes, gestational or otherwise, just big ole babies...

I'm 34 weeks and I kinda want her to hurry up and come on out but I'm scared of tiny babies. Lol. I haven't had one and I'd be afraid I'd break her...

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They say sometimes the sonos are incorrect and aren't actually 100% on the weeks. I had my oldest at 35 wks and he was 6lbs 3oz. My second at full term and he was 6lbs 6oz. I don't know why either of them we're so small. But sometimes I wonder if my oldest was actually full term and the sonos were a bit off. I'm wondering the same with this one so far, also.
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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