Ranting about MIL again...

She posts on Facebook "I'm on #5" (about being pregnant again supposedly) and it just pisses me off so bad!!! She acts like having child is a game and having as many as possible is a race 😑 having a child is a HUGE responsibility and there's a REASON she had 2 of her kids taken away!!!! And my boyfriend has basically been living at my parents house since before he turned15! She doesn't take care of the kids she still has. My boyfriend lives at his grandmas and comes to my house after school until night time and every weekend so is only at his grandmas to sleep. He sees his mom MAYBE once a week when she watches our son (don't trust her alone with him) and IF she buys her 16 year old son food, she demands we repay her or she won't feed him!!!! She isn't a parent to the kids she does have she does NOT need to have any more ESPECIALLY with how she's acting about it! At least this time her kid will have a father to keep him/her safe and taken care of. I'm just tired of seeing her acting like its a game. And I only say supposedly because she's pretended to be pregnant 6 times since I've been with her son, 4 when I was pregnant 1 when her aunt posted she was a new grandma, and now this time after her sister announces she's pregnant. And what makes it worse is she's telling everyone this time, so if she's lying she's just going to lie about losing the baby to get out of her lie which is going to mess with a lot of people's feelings! This woman is something else.. And I'm so freaking tired of it. We seriously can't wait to get away.

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So... Narcissistic personality disorder 😐
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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