Ladies, please for the love of all that is holy, do not wait to go to the hospital if ur having period like cramping! I don't care if u call and they tell u everything is fine and it normal, sometimes it's not! They don't know what ur body is doing unless they monitor and check u personally! They can't tell just from a phone call! I was in the hospital last night because I woke up yesterday morning with period like cramping. It felt different from the normal Braxton Hicks that I get. I called and they said ur fine, it's normal, call us back if u notice any bleeding or fluids leaking. I waited, and then I started to notice my baby hadn't been moving much and it got less and less throughout the day. I called back around noon and they said well ur 35 weeks so she'll start slowing down around now. I started trying everything I could to get her to move and she just wouldn't budge. I freaked out and made my husband take me in anyway around 3 and I demanded to be monitored. They figured out I had an elevated pulse and I was having contractions 3-4 minutes apart and I wasn't feeling them at all! Baby did start moving as soon as they hooked me up to the monitor so she was fine, but if I wouldn't have trusted my instincts who knows what could've happened! They gave me the turboline (spelling?) shot to stop my labor. I know she probably would've been fine at 35 weeks but still, I would much rather her be 37 weeks or more! Please don't waste ur time researching the internet for the vague confusing answers you'll get, or waiting for replies on here and social media from women that have completely different pregnancies than u. I know a lot of us r experienced and definitely have good advice and answers for some things, but if it's something as serious as that just go in!

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no they didn't. they said they weren't close enough together and to just rest and drink lots of water. but I'm in to much pain to relax!
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
weird, u would think they'd give u antibiotics. did they give u the shot to stop them?
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
nope, a lot of them I never felt but showed up on the monitor. the ones I do have are really intense and about an hour apart. they told me that I bad a uti that was causing them but never gave me antibiotics for them
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mrsdoyle, did they stop?
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went to L&d for the same reason. was told I was having a ton of contractions and to just drink water to slow them down.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jana.bear, exactly!
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Always go to L&D. It's worth wasting 2 hrs for the peace of mind.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've tried everything laying in different positions & walking but no difference I'll keep trying though , thank God he's moving fine . @melina.a.613. @shish
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mothertoababyking, You are probably experiencing Braxton Hicks. I wouldn't worry if baby is moving fine.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
if he's moving fine trying laying down on ur left side with ur feet up and drinking water. it helps with contractions. If he wasn't moving I would say get ur butt to the hospital lol. That's the only reason I panicked like I did, I knew something wasn't right. I get back cramps and contractions after sex, but I can usually get them to stop with what I told u.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your baby is supposed to move normally. It is a myth that they stop moving or slow down. The only thing that should be different is maybe where you feel the movements.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
now I'm worried . I started having bad cramps in my back & somewhat in my stomach after sex , my son is moving fine but I'm scared & I live 45 mins away from the hospital & I have no ride 😟
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I wasn't feeling my contractions so I didn't know I was in labor. I told them she had slowed down and I was having period like cramps but they said everything sounded normal because I wasn't bleeding or leaking and I'm 35 weeks so apparently she's supposed to slow down.
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I get period like cramping on and off but my baby moves fine. They always told me to come in if he stops moving normally, spotting/bleeding, leaking fluid or contractions 3-5 mins apart. @shish
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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