Kim Murphy
Kim Murphy
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Don't know what to do....recently had a really tough break up, 9 month relationship with who I thought I would be with forever...met a guy who likes me a lot, but when I hugged him... I didn't feel anything... The first time I hugged my ex, I knew he was the one who had my heart....And I'm always talking about my ex to this new guy. Could it be that I'm not over my ex...? I keep hoping he will come back... I love him....

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you just answered your question hun
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
It doesn't seem like you're ready to move on yet. Take some time for yourself. Have fun, reflect on why this relationship didn't work and decide on what it is you're looking for. Definitely don't rush into a new relationship while you still have feelings for an ex. Make a clean break and get closure or risk hurting yourself and this new guy in the process. @km0207 Good luck!
23.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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