My first born peed through every other brand, huggies and pampers broke his skin out. It was a challenge all the way. So I finally tried store brands. I don't like Walmart to much because they aren't as thick. Target seems to be the best for me
You just gotta try the brand. we have some pampers and some huggies but no one I know used luvs so we have none of those. just depends on what baby's body will allow sometimes too and then how you like them as well.
I had to use luvs on my boys otherwise they would pee through everything else my girls I could use pampers or huggies though it really does depend on ur baby though. I never had a problem with them as long as I didn't but the cheap dollar store ones I was good
@prettyprego, oh really? mm maybe I'll just get like 88 or no more than 100 & thats good 😅😅😅😊 i just ordered 2 cases so far the both have 276 in the case
Luvs weren't good to me either. Lol like everybody else said they hold nothing. You'll be surprised target actually has a good brand and at a good price
Walmart sells pampers really cheap, and the Sunday paper always has amazing coupons! I'd stock up on a few different sizes before the baby comes for sure.
I was given some at my baby shower and they aren't too bad. It depends on your baby, I think! I will use them because we have them but I prefer pampers or Huggies.