Been so sick nauseas all day everyday for the past week can barely eat anything been sleeping all the time I'm worried my munchkin isn't getting the nutrients though any advice
until you can get to the doc try "sour patch" candies. ..they tend to help I'd eat 2/3 every 30 mins. but it worked til I got diclegis from my doc
the baby will take all the nutrients it needs from you! babies are like parisites. if anyone will be lacking nutrients its you! make sure youre taking prenatal vitamins and the baby will grow just fine! give it a few more weeks and the baby will be more dependant on the placenta than your body alone. so you wont be so sleepy. good luck!
I've never done it, but another mum suggested freezing Gatorade in IceCube trays and slowly suck on those. If you can't keep anything down, call your OB. Hope you feel better, morning sickness sucks.