my water broke yesterday around 4pm,a little bit at a to the hospital around 7,they admitted me and been a waiting game since. was having contractions 2mins apart for a while but since I got the epidural, it slowed my contractions down a bit. .I'm trying for a vbac so they said they have to take the pitocin slow for me..Im so ready for him to be here already!
@mommaof2babes, Hoping the best for you! Maybe a c section isn't the worst thing to do. Usually epidural slows things down because it numbs your body and you can no longer walk around to try to keep the process jumping. Good luck momma!
That's what happened with me, after my epidural it slowed down. Then 2 hours later she went to check me and I went from a 4 to time to push and he was crowning before she could even check my cervix. good luck mommy♡